30+ Times Carrie Fisher Told It Like It Is

In the world of famous actors, one name always shines brighter than the rest: that’s Carrie Fisher. She’s best recognized for her standout role as the Princess Leia in the globally beloved Star Wars series, and indeed, she was a real dynamo in the acting world.

Screenshot from “Carrie Fisher: Even In Space There’s A Double Standard For Women” via The Late Show with Stephen Colbert/YouTube; Screenshot from “The Jay Leno Show”

A part of Hollywood’s royal family, Carrie Fisher was known for her refreshing reality-based approach and her sharp humor. She was one of the most genuine people in the fame world. So, get ready with your tissues as we’re about to laugh, shed a tear, and remember some of the best interview moments from one of Hollywood’s most cherished celebrities.

Once Princess Leia, Always Princess Leia

The role that truly made Carrie Fisher a star was unquestionably that of Princess Leia, from the classic 1977 movie Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope. When George Lucas decided to expand the saga with The Force Awakens in 2015, it was unthinkable to have it without her reprising her iconic role.

Screenshot from “Carrie Fisher Interview with Gary on The Force Awakens” via ABC News/YouTube

She was always open about the challenges of getting older and being an experienced woman in a profession that usually prefers younger stars. But, it’s clear that no one had to persuade her about this.

Cruel Timing

As soon as Carrie Fisher entered the world of movie-making, it was clear to everyone that she was a shining star. Although she only tied the knot once, their union was nothing short of being a dynamic duo!

Screenshot from “The Tonight Show”

Her decision to marry Grammy Award-winning Paul Simon came just days after saying no to the well-known TV personality, Garry Shandling. It must have been a bit of a knock to his pride, but if we know anything about her, it’s that her sense of comedy timing was always spot on.

No Bra, No Opinion

Carrie Fisher, who was known for many different things, really stood up for the experiences of women, and this is just a perfect example. For all those who regularly wear bras, there’s a universal agreement that shedding it off when the day ends brings one of the greatest sensations of relief and comfort.

Screenshot from “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson”; Image via Imgur

She laid out these difficult realities of being a woman to the show host, Craig Ferguson. We’re still scratching our heads as to why this was the topic of discussion on an interview show, but any lesson we can glean from this is that you should never lock horns with General Organa!

Fisher and Ford

Carrie Fisher had such a carefree nature that she was never predictable. Every time she was asked to come up on stage to accept an award, her pals and fellow actors would hold their breath, anxiously waiting to hear the next wild and whimsical remarks she was bound to come up with.

Screenshot from “Carrie Fisher Salutes Harrison Ford at the AFI Life Achievement Award” via American Film Institute/YouTube

Even if their love story got a lot of attention without actually going anywhere, it’s clear that Fisher and Harrison Ford always had a deep affection for each other. It takes a real bond with a friend to tease and joke with them like this without the worry of them taking offense.

A Bit Crazy

Throughout her life, Carrie Fisher was an outspoken advocate for mental health, even if she didn’t show it in the usual ways. She never hid her own battles and inspired others to be open about their own struggles too. Fisher’s honest discussions about her personal experiences were her way of trying to remove the stigma that often surrounds mental health.

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Indeed, she was a total headache when it came to public relations, yet we wouldn’t have her any different. She was profoundly indifferent to what others thought of her, which is one of the reasons we adore her so much.

Behind the Bikini Days

Certainly, nobody denies that Carrie Fisher ruled the phase of the golden bikini, becoming an iconic poster girl during her hot streak in Star Wars. Yet, it’s her ability to show the more authentic and less glamorous side of stardom that made her so genuinely endearing and cherished.

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She was a champion for many due to her bravery in addressing problems that countless women experience, but find difficult expressing openly. Regardless of whether you are a child of eight or a senior citizen of 80, she remains a hero, continuously held in high regard.

“May the Fourth Be With You”

Hollywood has certainly progressed a great deal since the days when Carrie Fisher first embarked on her acting journey. We can only wish that the film producers have learned valuable lessons from past missteps in their interactions with women working in the sphere.

Screenshot from “Carrie Fisher: Even In Space There’s A Double Standard For Women” via The Late Show with Stephen Colbert/YouTube

Carrie Fisher was one person who wouldn’t overlook things others might ignore. She was her own woman, changing for nobody! And naturally, a well-timed pun about the iconic Star Wars could not be too far away. There, we slipped one in!

Her Hidden Legacy

Carrie Fisher is most recognized for her iconic role as Princess Leia, which left a memorable mark on her professional career. However, a significant part of her work remained behind the scenes and unrecognized, quietly becoming her unacknowledged legacy.

Screenshot from “Innerviews with Ernie Manouse”

In the 1990s, Fisher became an in-demand script doctor in the film hub that is Hollywood, always ready to improve and add sparkle to movie scripts. Surely, no one can argue that Fisher was just good at one thing. It was her magic touch that made characters come alive and improved the overall quality of so many films.

Reality of Fame

Being the child of two adored American stars, Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher, might have been tough. But it would certainly be a simplification to say Carrie Fisher had a tangled bond with the glamour and glitz of Hollywood. Despite their fame and appeal, navigating such a relationship wasn’t elementary.

Screenshot from “Carrie Fisher In 2008 Interview: ‘You’re Only As Sick As Your Secrets’ | Flashback | TODAY” via TODAY/YouTube

Fisher was thrust into the chaotic celebrity lifestyle at a tender age. It was clear that she didn’t care for the glamorous lifestyle or the wealth that came with fame. In fact, she often expressed her dislike for that part of her career.

Staying True to Herself

While some actors get stuck with a role and end up feeling annoyed with the character, Carrie Fisher isn’t one of them. She embraced the huge impact of Leia’s character and, just like her onscreen persona, she never allowed her personal life challenges to bring her down. She really made the character of Leia shine in the best possible way and comes across as a real-life hero, too.

Image via social media

Fisher was a person who didn’t take herself or her work too seriously, and she was brave enough to point out the problems within the film industry. This candid honesty is what made her such a cherished public figure.

The Double Standards Are Strong

Although it took some time for Princess Leia to access her Force abilities, it was always there, hidden deep inside her. This revelation was surprising to all of us, mainly because her abilities did not present themselves in the same fashion as they had with Obi-Wan or Luke.

Screenshot from “Carrie Fisher: Even In Space There’s A Double Standard For Women” via The Late Show with Stephen Colbert/YouTube

It’s not surprising at all that Leia didn’t get to have a lightsaber. Carrie Fisher herself said that even among the stars, women aren’t treated the same as men. How predictable!

Main Character

The universe of Star Wars sure is full of lots of unique characters! We’ve got everything from furry Ewoks to towering Wookies, and don’t forget the slimy Hutts or tiny Jawas. And, how could we possibly overlook the hilarious robotic sidekicks that tag along on the adventures with our heroes? It’s truly a galaxy filled with all kinds of different species, just adding to the fun and excitement of it all!

Screenshot from “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson”

Sure, it might seem like Carrie Fisher spent a lot of her time working with robots, especially if you know her from the Star Wars films. But, don’t misunderstand, she was certainly the star of the show. In the movies and in real life, she was always the leading lady, the main character.

Confusing Kisses

The memorable moment of Luke Skywalker planting a kiss on Princess Leia in the blockbuster hit, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is counted as one of the greatest kiss scenes in movie history. Yet, in a surprising plot twist that rolls out just three years later in Return of the Jedi, their romantic possibility is quashed as they are revealed to be long-lost siblings, steering their relationship in an entirely different direction.

Screenshot from “Carrie Fisher Interview with Warwick Davis | Star Wars Celebration Europe” via Star Wars/YouTube

There’s a great deal of back-story to the kiss, interestingly enough, it seems Carrie Fisher was equally bewildered by the whole situation just as we were.

Men Aren’t People

Carrie Fisher was one-of-a-kind when it came to her TV interviews. She had this incredible ability to keep people who interviewed her guessing, since they could never accurately guess what she would say next. Her responses were never boring or run-of-the-mill. Instead, she made each of her answers worth listening to with her unpredictability.

Screenshot from “Carrie Fisher’s full 1990 CNN inteview” via CNN/YouTube

Carrie Fisher was a woman of strong views, especially when it came to males, she didn’t hold much fondness for them. Her lack of need for a man was pretty clear, as she often expressed the idea, “Who needs a man when you’re Carrie Fisher?”

Getting Philosophical

From the instant she was chosen to star with Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher was completely awe-struck. She consistently viewed him as someone more mature and wiser, inspiring her to the point of taking up a brand-new hobby. This was all so that she could come across as more intelligent when giving interviews.

Screenshot from “Carrie Fisher Salutes Harrison Ford at the AFI Life Achievement Award” via American Film Institute/YouTube

Learning about philosophy has a whole other feel to it when you find out that the two individuals got romantically involved while they were on the set of Star Wars.

Lather Up With Leia

Many individuals often fail to remember that Carrie Fisher was just 19 years old when she first appeared on screen as Princess Leia. In Hollywood, the women constantly face criticism for aging naturally, a habit unfortunately inherited by society. It’s as if Fisher had been unfairly judged for growing older naturally throughout her life ever since her initial introduction to the film world.

Screenshot from “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno”

Out of all the promotional ideas they could’ve picked to advertise the movie, this one tops the chart as the oddest. Seriously, who would desire a shampoo that displays an image of their own face?

Textbook Case

People often take a long stretch of time to get comfortable with the truth of their own mental health condition. This was especially true for Carrie Fisher, who matched the description of her disorder so perfectly, it was as if she jumped right out of the textbook.

Image via social media

Fisher was indeed a trailblazer for many women. She was one of the first female stars to openly discuss bipolar disorder. It’s admirable that she could make light-hearted jokes about it while simultaneously being a fierce champion for mental health issues.

Spilling Secrets

Carrie Fisher had a knack for letting secrets slip. As a result, during the production of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the crew made sure only to share information she absolutely needed for her role, and not a bit more. They knew from experience to limit what they let her know, to prevent any accidental leaks. This was a clever method for keeping all the important secrets well-guarded.

Screenshot from “Star Wars Cast On Keeping The Movie Secrets – The Graham Norton Show” via The Graham Norton Show/YouTube

It’s a bit amusing that Fisher thought she could keep the juicy info under wraps for an entire year. Moreover, she even spilled the beans to Graham Norton about the movie, that way, it would be way less of a hassle when she eventually showed up on his show.

Googling Herself

In the time when Carrie Fisher was most famous, there wasn’t even such a thing as social media. This makes it especially notable that she was able to reach the status of a cultural icon without the help of modern tools like memes and fan pages that today’s celebrity stars usually have.

Screenshot from “The Late Show With David Letterman”

It’s pretty hard to resist the urge to search your own name online, just to see what chatter is being said about you. Though, we really can’t see what negative thing could be out there about Carrie. She’s practically considered the internet’s darling, isn’t she?

Unconventional Dating Advice

A common piece of advice given to single people tends to sound similar. It usually goes along the lines of how love will surprise you when you least anticipate it. But, the question remains, does every individual truly believe in this idea?

Screenshot from “From 2004: Carrie Fisher’s open book” via CBS Sunday Morning/YouTube

It’s clear to everyone that Carrie Fisher was not one to follow society’s rules or do things the way everyone else did. Her advice, raw and honest, can sometimes come off as harsh. There’s a chance you might find someone special, but keep in mind, you might not, according to her!

Anything but Invisible

Carrie Fisher was always one to express her thoughts openly. When it was about the delicate topic of getting older in Hollywood, she had her distinct and candid words to share. Despite the sensitive nature of the subject, she never shy away from putting forth her views.

Image via social media

She was a strong believer in the idea that women have much more to offer than just aging with dignity. Her efforts for the rights of women ensured that nobody could ignore her or the principles she stood behind.

Unlikely Night Out

The most exciting thing about being good friends with your workmates is when you can take that bond beyond the virtual world. If you take Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford as examples, these two were not just colleagues, but they were also the greatest pals. They loved spending their evenings together, enjoying their time with their circle of friends. And their circle of friends wasn’t just any group, it was the iconic band – The Rolling Stones. Now that’s a friendship like no other.

Screenshot from “Carrie Fisher Partied All Night With The Rolling Stones | CONAN on TBS” via Team Coco/YouTube

Everything about this situation blows our minds. The idea that they can simply chill with a globally-renowned band almost casually is beyond cool. But what’s truly striking is the fact that they could party all night long and still bring their A-game to their acting gig. Now that’s something impressive!

Four Times a Day

Becoming a character that is instantly recognizable in the fantasy world certainly has its benefits, but Carrie Fisher was transparent about the fact that her role as Princess Leia also placed her in the realm of fantasy for many people, from a different perspective if you understand what we’re saying.

Screenshot from “The Graham Norton Show”

When Fisher handed over the Star Wars legacy to Daisy Ridley, she made sure to alert her about the possible negatives that could come along with the fame she was about to experience. Yuck!

Dating Older Men

Folks often say that age is just a figure, and this couldn’t be more accurate when it came to Carrie Fisher. As you can imagine, during her thriving career, she found herself romantically involved with some pretty big stars, all with different ages.

Screenshot from “The Jay Leno Show”

Despite her past full of rocky relationships, Fisher consistently made it clear that she didn’t depend on a man for her happiness. She was always incredibly candid when it came to singing the praises of being involved with men who had a bit more life experience stuck under their belts.

Strong Female Characters

There are several reasons why “Star Wars” continues to hold a special place in people’s hearts even after so many years since its release. The movie gave female audiences a strong leading character in Princess Leia, and this legacy was carried on by Carrie Fisher all her life.

Image via social media

Her role as Princess Leia encouraged many young ladies to trust that they could be both strong and humorous too. We fully resonate with her view that Princess Leia embodies one of the most fiercely independent and bold female figures in the world of cinema.

Dropping the F-Bomb

In a world where ladies who are famous were mostly admired for being posh, stylish, and trouble-free, Carrie Fisher wasn’t bothered about standing out from the rest. Actually, it was her unapologetic frankness that established her as the loved icon she continues to be even today. It was her courage to voice her thoughts without sugar-coating, that helped her remain a celebrated star. The rest of the world saw this as her going against the norm, but to her, being honest was just her way of being.

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She was a handful to keep in check during a live broadcast, yet she always insisted on keeping true to herself. This sometimes resulted in her letting out a swear word or two.

Because I Told You So

When you’re a celebrity, you naturally get to experience things common people usually don’t. Carrie Fisher was born into stardom, not by choice, but because of her famous family. Unfortunately, this meant that she was swept into the lifestyle of the rich and famous from her earliest days. This isn’t the life she chose, but it was the one handed down to her from the start, full of encounters and experiences exclusive to the world of fame.

Image via social media

Even famous people, like the biggest stars in Hollywood, are more like us than we might think. Sometimes, they have to do stuff they may not like, only because their mother told them to do so. This shows that, like us, they too have to heed their mother’s words, regardless of their status.

Spank You Very Much

When Carrie Fisher returned to the universe of Star Wars for The Force Awakens, she found it relatively easy to slip back into the role of Princess Leia. It wasn’t a big shift for her to pick up where she left off in playing the character.

Screenshot from “Carrie Fisher: The Princess Diaries | Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016” via Star Wars/YouTube

Undeniably, Leia and Han Solo had a tough love story which ended in a cosmic separation. Despite this, in the follow-up film of 2015, she is the mother of an adult son, namely Kylo Ren. Seemingly, from the impression this interview gives, she adapted quickly back into the motherly role towards the actor playing Kylo, Adam Driver.

Getting Better With Age

A lot of stars in Hollywood get their big break while they’re just kids or in their early years of adulthood. They enjoy the spotlight of their success, but then tend to quit at a young age. The movie business often doesn’t seem too kind to those who are middle-aged, in particular to female actors.

Screenshot from “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”

Carrie Fisher had a knack for stating things so bluntly that it made the entire subject sound preposterous. Sure, as people grow older, their appearance alters, but why should we view this as negative?

Don’t Take Her Advice

When Carrie Fisher was making her name in the cosmos as the leading lady in “Star Wars”, she found herself among very few females within a largely male crew. It was an experience packed with lessons, lessons she was later able to share with Daisy Ridley. Ridley took on the role of Rey in “The Force Awakens”, following in Fisher’s illustrious footsteps.

Screenshot from “The Graham Norton Show”

When you’ve spent as much time in Hollywood as she has, you’re bound to end up with a treasure trove of wild tales to share, although no one ever claimed she was the perfect mentor. Each of her pieces of advice holds equal weight and significance.

Childhood Fantasies

The super famous part in Return of the Jedi when Han Solo, together with Luke Skywalker, makes a daring attempt to save Princess Leia from the clutches of big, bad Jabba the Hutt, is truly a classic piece of movie magic that everyone recalls. Surely, Leia’s shimmering golden bikini outfit has a part to play in making this moment so memorable.

Image via social media

That part with Carrie Fisher’s role is really something people won’t forget, although probably not for the reasons Fisher might prefer. But hey, at least she had a clear understanding of who her fans were, right?

The Last One to Find Out

When The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi were released, it caused quite a wave of excitement among dedicated Star Wars enthusiasts. They started coming up with all sorts of conjectures and suggestions about the new characters introduced. This is when the well-known theory of “Finnpoe” was born, even though the actors themselves had no involvement whatsoever in its creation.

Image via social media

Carrie Fisher wasn’t a part of the team that came up with the idea of who would fall in love with who in her films. One could say, her on-camera performance in conveying feelings is far superior than her capability to recognize who is romantically inclined towards whom in her own life.

Unconventional Celebrity

Without a doubt, the Star Wars aficionados know how to throw a rocking party at a convention. They spare no effort in dressing up and paying tribute to their much-cherished franchise. Their passion is remarkable and they go the extra mile in their celebrations without holding back anything.

Screenshot from “Star Wars luminary Carrie Fisher in Studio Q” via Q With Tom Power/YouTube

It’s truly endearing how Carrie Fisher never stopped enjoying attending fan conventions. She humorously described these events as “celebrity lap dancing” and joked about her participation being purely for monetary gain. How we long to witness her charm and wit at just one more such event.

Choose Your Order Carefully

For those who have surprisingly reached this point without ever watching a Star Wars film, the idea of catching up on the entire series may seem daunting. With the array of sequels and prequels available, it becomes quite a challenge to figure out the best viewing order. The franchise is extensive and knowing where to start first can be quite a puzzle.

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It’s universally acknowledged that Carrie Fisher’s Princess Leia is central to the franchise, therefore, one could argue that the installments she’s not part of just don’t measure up in terms of value.

Play-Fighting With Harrison Ford

It’s pretty clear to any observant fan watching Star Wars that there’s something truly special between Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford. Their on-screen relationship is so magical, it feels like it goes beyond the limits of the galaxy they inhabit on film.

Screenshot from “Carrie Fisher: The Princess Diaries | Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016” via Star Wars/YouTube; Image via Imgur

In her last memoir, The Princess Diarist, which came out in 2016, Fisher made it clear that she and her co-star did indeed share a romantic bond beyond just friendship. This inserts a completely new layer of meaning to their joking remarks about their fun rapport during the time of shooting.

Not Jogging

Carrie Fisher was more than an actress. She was also an activist, a writer, and a script editor who was known for staying busy. Her career, which spanned five decades, kept her schedule so full that she wasn’t ever just sitting around or twiddling her thumbs, waiting for another acting gig. She continuously found different ways to express her talents, proving that there wasn’t much downtime in her life.

Screenshot from “The Joan Rivers Show”

Despite not being sporty, she still had the ability to save the universe in style, just like Joan Rivers. Who needs athletic abilities when you’re busy carving out a showbiz empire in Hollywood? It turns out, these two women shared more similarities than anyone could have guessed.

All for Carrie

When the news broke that Princess Leia was going to be in “The Force Awakens”, fan excitement went through the roof. Enthusiasts, decked out in full costumes, swarmed the streets and filled cinemas to capacity on premiere night just to catch a peek of the Galactic Princess in real life.

Screenshot from “‘Star Wars’ Premiere: Carrie Fisher Cuddles & Serenades Mario Lopez on the Carpet” via extratv/YouTube

Carrie Fisher’s unique sense of humor truly made her stand out from the crowd. The cheers and love she received during her lifetime were well deserved, and people continue to remember and honor her even now, more than seven years after she left this world. This appreciation, expressed by many, is a testament to her unforgettable personality and her enduring influence.

British When She’s Upset

It’s often a big surprise when we learn that a movie star speaks with a different accent in their everyday life compared to their on-screen character. Some of these talented individuals are so convincing that it’s hard to believe they’re not using their natural accent but are just improvising it.

Screenshot from “If Star Wars Was British – The Graham Norton Show” via The Graham Norton Show/YouTube

Oddly enough, Carrie Fisher, after getting her drama education in England, seemed to pick up a British accent. The peculiar part is, it only seems to reveal itself when she becomes upset or angry. How strange is that?

Taking After Dad

Princess Leia and Han Solo teamed up to have a child, who we know as Kylo Ren from the movie The Force Awakens. The thrilled supporters were on the edge of their seats, waiting to discover what would happen when these two guardians of the galaxy took on their riskiest mission yet: becoming mom and dad.

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It’s absolutely amusing to witness the astonished look splashed across Harrison Ford’s face. Judging by how talented Ford and Fisher’s kids have turned out to be, it’s safe to assume that their real offspring would be an all-out sensation in the Hollywood scene.